Currently the school has two multi-age classes - Prep/1/2 and 3/4/5/6. The children receive access to a quality curriculum and teaching strategies which are continually reviewed and adapted to ensure all students continue to be encouraged to achieve their maximum potential.
The school works in a number of ways in regards to student learning. Students are grouped according to classes, year levels, ability groups, intervention groups, extension groups and peer groups.
Children requiring either extension or intervention are catered for through the use of our multi-age levels. Further support for students is available through extra teacher aide time in classrooms, a special needs teacher who works in all classrooms two days each week to support students, and a guidance officer who is available to the school on request.
Alloway State School receives specialist lessons in physical education, music and German on a weekly basis. Alloway also participates in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) activities to enhance student learning and to prepare them for future employment.
Assessment practices at Alloway allow teachers to provide information/data which can be used to improve student learning outcomes. Teachers use this assessment information to inform and modify teaching and learning programs. Assessment also enables the progress and achievements of individuals and groups to be communicated to parents. Assessment is an integral part of the planning process which also includes intervention strategies and resourcing.